
Unique Desi Shirts

This next set of t-shirts are from a website called Brown Man Clothing, and the shirts range from about $25 - $35 (I know... pricey!)--BUT they are extremely unique and fun. You probably wouldn't be able to buy a bunch of these t-shirts at once, but it would be a great gift for a best friend (girl or guy, as the site has things for everyone), or even a treat for yourself once you get that paycheck.

However, one of the shirts I found is a little inappropriate. It has a picture of a hijabi woman with the saying "Hijabis are Hot"  all over. It's not that I don't have a sense of humor, but I find it to be a little disrespectful. Nonetheless, the graphics are awesome and regardless of my opinion of the quote, it is a unique shirt.

Here are some girls & guys shirts:


<--How cute is that? Watch out, Gauri!

<--HAH! Too bad her name is spelled wrong.

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